Posted by Laura Ercoli on Monday January 31st, 2022

Alessandra Patrono confirmed member of the INTA Trademark Office Practices Committee

Our European Trademark Attorney Alessandra Patrono has been confirmed for two more years as member the Trademark Office Practices Committee of INTA (International Trademark Association), a working group in whose EU Sub-Committee she has been active since the year 2020.INTA Leadership Meeting

The Trademark Office Practices Committee evaluates and suggests improvements to trademark office practices, procedures, operations, and regulations at the national, regional, and international levels, including procedures relating to the Madrid System and developments of the TM5, a forum of the five largest trademark offices.

The committee monitors and analyses trademark office developments in various jurisdictions, and proposes policy recommendations to the Board. Committee work includes writing reports and submissions, developing educational programs specifically designed for trademarks offices, and advocacy in conjunction with relevant committees and staff.

Our trademark and patent attorneys are active members in a number of major international intellectual property organisations. More details in our list of SIB memberships and Team bios.

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