Posted by Laura Ercoli on Thursday July 28th, 2016

EUIPO’s top Italian e-users

We are the top Italian e-user at the European Intellectual Property Office, and the eighth international e-user.EUIPO online

This week the European Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) published its top 25 e-users April to June 2016.

The list includes the top entities that (a) use electronic e-filing for 99 % or more of their overall European Union trademark and Community design direct applications and oppositions at EUIPO during the quarter, and (b) have electronic communications activated when the report is generated.

You will find us listed in 1st position in the Italian list and in 8th position in the international list.

We strive constantly to make our services more efficient, cost-effective and sustainable, also by using advanced technologies and tools both to manage work internally and to communicate with external organisations.

28 July 2016

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