Alberto DE ROS

Alberto De Ros


Alberto started his patent practice in 1990, gaining outstanding experience in the protection of intellectual property rights on innovations through the filing, prosecution and enforcement of patents, utility models and designs, in general in the fields of physics, electrotechnics and electronics, and with a focus on the areas of telecommunications, microelectronics (semiconductors) and medical devices. 

Alberto has acted as ex-parte technical counsel in civil and criminal patent litigation both in Italy and abroad. He has been appointed court expert in patent litigation.

He has also dealt with the protection of trade secrets and business information.


Alberto is regularly invited to speak at university-level conferences on the protection of innovation and has authored books as well as articles on intellectual property-related issues.


Italian and European patents in the fields of physics, electrotechnics and electronics, in particular in the areas of telecommunications, microelectronics and medical devices.
Italian and Community design registration procedures.
Counsel on patents and designs.
Technical counsel in patent litigation.


Member of the Ordine dei Consulenti in Proprietà Industriale (Italian Industrial Property Consultants Institute), of the Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office and of AIPPI.


Italian and European Patent Attorney, Italian and European Trademark Attorney, Community Design Attorney. European Patent Litigator (qualified to represent clients before the Unified Patent Court).


Master’s degree in Electronic engineering, University of Milan.
European Patent Litigation Certificate – Master class in patents, University of Milan.