Strategies / Searches and watches

“The information available in trademark and patent databases can help enterprises to make safer investments in marketing as well as in R&D activities”

Strategies-Searches and watchesTRADEMARKS – Searching and watching

If you are preparing to invest in a trademark, it is best to make sure that it is not already registered and therefore available, and that it is not similar or likely to be confused with other earlier trademarks or in any way liable to cause conflicts.

After registration, a watch service concerning the registration of trademarks that are identical or similar to your own allows you to act swiftly to stop attempts at usurpation, unfair competition and counterfeiting – such as the registration by third parties of identical or confusingly similar trademarks.

Our service

By performing worldwide searches for trademark applications in specialised trademark databases, we are able to notify the client of any conflict.

PATENTS – Searching and watching

When you are developing innovation, it can be a decisive advantage to have access to up-to-date information on the global state of the art in your technological area and on the innovation activities of your main competitors.

Patent search and watch services offer such an advantage, allowing you to

• Check on the novelty of an invention

• Steer r&d activities towards truly innovative products

• Access the most advanced knowledge in your sector

• Monitor your competitors’ r&d activity

• Seek new partners

Avoid infringing third party patents

Our service

The search agreed with the client is performed in specialised databases. Search results are processed and interpreted in order to present the client with information that is significant for its activity.

–> How we work